・飲食物(びん、缶、ペットボトル、アルコール 不可)
・大阪城ホール:会場東側 城見ホール
Attention all the audience of upcoming Green Day concerts:
Please follow the guidelines while attending. This is the common rules in world tour.
The guidelines are set subject to artist's and promoter's discretion.
Thank you very much for keeping the venue a safe environment.
Please do not bring the following items into the venue;
-Beverage and food (incl. bottles of any kind, glass, plastic, cans,alcohol etc)
-Professional-use cameras, Audio and video recording devices
-Weapons, knives or firearms of any kind
-Focused-light devices (laser pens)
For ARENA FLOOR ticket holders:
Bringing your baggage to the arena floor is not allowed during this concert.
Before you enter the floor, please check-in all of your hand-carry items to the cloak.
[Cloak location] Fee: JPY500 CASH ONLY
Saitama Super Arena: Gate C in community arena
Osaka Jo Hall: The east side of the venue, Shiromi Hall
Nagoya Gaishi Hall: Front of the main entrance
Also, please do not wear any sharp, metal accessories (studs chain,
bracelets etc) to the floor.