88RISING 出演アーティスト:JOJI来日キャンセルのお知らせ
1/10(木) Zepp Tokyo、1/11(金) Zepp Osaka Baysideにて88RISING公演に出演を予定しておりましたJOJIですが、スケジュールの都合によりやむを得ず出演をキャンセルとさせていただく事となりました。新たにKOHHが東京大阪公演両日共に出演致します。
Announcement for Joji’s cancellation at 88rising in both Tokyo and Osaka (as of December 14th, 2018)
Due to scheduling conflicts, Joji will no longer be performing in Japan with 88rising on January 10 and 11.
However, we’re excited to announce KOHH will be joining the shows alongside Rich Brian, Higher Brothers, NIKI, and AUGUST 08!
We are very sorry for this cancellation, especially for those who were looking forward to his appearance in Japan, as well as for those who has supported this tour.
The tickets however will not be refunded, and we appreciate your understanding.
Creativeman Productions
Announcement for Joji’s cancellation at 88rising in both Tokyo and Osaka (as of December 14th, 2018)
Due to scheduling conflicts, Joji will no longer be performing in Japan with 88rising on January 10 and 11.
However, we’re excited to announce KOHH will be joining the shows alongside Rich Brian, Higher Brothers, NIKI, and AUGUST 08!
We are very sorry for this cancellation, especially for those who were looking forward to his appearance in Japan, as well as for those who has supported this tour.
The tickets however will not be refunded, and we appreciate your understanding.
Creativeman Productions