大切なDream Theaterファンの皆へ:
コロナウイルスによる先の見えない状況が世界中で続いており、アメリカや世界のミュージックシーンに関わる多くの友人や家族が、予定されていたイベントを延期すると言う厳しい選択をしています。この世界的なパンデミックの重要性と規模を認識し、Dream TheaterはWHOとCDC、各国政府の勧告を遵守し、現在予定されているすべての公演を延期します。延期日程などに関しては、それぞれの公演のプロモーターからの情報をお待ちください。
Distance Over Time ツアーでまだ会いに行けていない世界中のファンの皆さんには、心から申し訳ない気持ちです。ファンの皆さんの安全が確保が出来る状況になったら、可能な限り早く公演を行うつもりでいますので安心してください。現在振替日程の調整を行っており、詳細が分かり次第すぐに発表しますので、引き続き最新情報をチェックしてください。
To our Valued Dream Theater Fans:
As the global situation involving coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to unfold, many of our friends and family in the US and international music scene have already made the difficult decision to postpone any and all events currently scheduled. In recognition of the importance and scale of this global pandemic, Dream Theater will adhere to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and governments worldwide, by postponing all currently scheduled performances. As soon as possible, the promotors for each show will have ticketing and/or rescheduling information available.
We are deeply apologetic to our fans throughout the world who we were not yet able to reach on the current Distance Over Time – Celebrating 20 Years of Scenes From a Memory tour. Please be assured, we have every intention of performing this show for you as soon as we’re sure that the safety of our fans will no longer be compromised. We are working right now to reschedule these dates, and will follow up with more information as soon as we have it. Please stay tuned for further updates, as we hope to announce rescheduled tour dates soon!
Obviously, the health and safety of the band, our touring crew, and all of our fans, friends and families is of paramount importanance to us. We will continue to closely monitor the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, and truly look forward to being able to reschedule any and all postponed dates, as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience during this crisis. We wish you — and those around you — good health!
大切なDream Theaterファンの皆へ:
コロナウイルスによる先の見えない状況が世界中で続いており、アメリカや世界のミュージックシーンに関わる多くの友人や家族が、予定されていたイベントを延期すると言う厳しい選択をしています。この世界的なパンデミックの重要性と規模を認識し、Dream TheaterはWHOとCDC、各国政府の勧告を遵守し、現在予定されているすべての公演を延期します。延期日程などに関しては、それぞれの公演のプロモーターからの情報をお待ちください。
Distance Over Time ツアーでまだ会いに行けていない世界中のファンの皆さんには、心から申し訳ない気持ちです。ファンの皆さんの安全が確保が出来る状況になったら、可能な限り早く公演を行うつもりでいますので安心してください。現在振替日程の調整を行っており、詳細が分かり次第すぐに発表しますので、引き続き最新情報をチェックしてください。
To our Valued Dream Theater Fans:
As the global situation involving coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to unfold, many of our friends and family in the US and international music scene have already made the difficult decision to postpone any and all events currently scheduled. In recognition of the importance and scale of this global pandemic, Dream Theater will adhere to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and governments worldwide, by postponing all currently scheduled performances. As soon as possible, the promotors for each show will have ticketing and/or rescheduling information available.
We are deeply apologetic to our fans throughout the world who we were not yet able to reach on the current Distance Over Time – Celebrating 20 Years of Scenes From a Memory tour. Please be assured, we have every intention of performing this show for you as soon as we’re sure that the safety of our fans will no longer be compromised. We are working right now to reschedule these dates, and will follow up with more information as soon as we have it. Please stay tuned for further updates, as we hope to announce rescheduled tour dates soon!
Obviously, the health and safety of the band, our touring crew, and all of our fans, friends and families is of paramount importanance to us. We will continue to closely monitor the global coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, and truly look forward to being able to reschedule any and all postponed dates, as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience during this crisis. We wish you — and those around you — good health!