
MILES KANE来日キャンセルのお知らせ

MILES KANE来日キャンセルのお知らせ
4月25日(木) 代官山SPACE ODD、4月26日(金) PANGEAにて予定しておりましたMiles Kaneの来日公演は、本人の急病のため、医師の診断により来日がキャンセルとなりました。
4/25(木)10:00〜5/20(月) 23:59の期間にて払い戻しをいたします。

Miles Kane cancellation notice
Due to the sudden illness of Miles Kane, his visit to Japan has been cancelled, therefore Japan show scheduled for Thursday, April 25th at Daikanyama Space Odd and Friday, April 26th at Osaka Pangea has been canceled upon medical advice.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who were looking forward to the live performances. Ticket holders can request a refund at the respective ticket agency where the ticket holders purchased their tickets between April 25 10:00〜May 20 23:59
Ticket refunds will be available at the point of purchase.
Tickets are required for a refund.
Refunds cannot be issued for lost or damaged tickets.

