LOUD PARK 13 KING DIAMOND 出演キャンセルのお知らせ

10/20(日)のLOUD PARK13に出演を予定しておりましたKING DIAMONDですが、バンドの機材を乗せた船便の遅れにより、これらの機材が予定通りに到着しないことが判明し、何とかしてLOUD PARKに間に合わせる他の方法はないかと手を尽くしましたが、残念ながら最終的に機材の到着は実現不可能と判断せざるを得ない状況となってしまいました。





We would like to inform you that King Diamond, which was scheduled to perform at LOUD PARK on Sunday (October 20th 2013) has canceled their performance due to their equipment not arriving in Japan in time. The band has tried everything within its power to sort the issue out but unfortunately there is no chance of the equipment arriving in time for the show.

We have negotiated with the band about using substitute equipment for the show but because of their resolute stance on not being able to perform with equipment other than their own has resulted in this cancellation.

We deeply apologize for this situation to anyone who has been looking forward to the band’s performance.

Please note that there has been an update in the timetable due to this cancellation which can be seen here.
There will be no refunds caused by this cancellation of King Diamond at LOUD PARK 2013.

October 18th, 2013