※持込可能クリアーバックサイズ 縦400mm×横270mm×幅50mm
GOLD特典グッズは入場口手前(2階コンコース)のグッズ引換カウンターにてお引換致します。 場内へご入場前、もしくは終演後にお立ち寄りください。(一旦ご入場頂くと場外へ出て、再入場する事はできません。)
コンサート会場および周辺の公共スペースでの入り待ち・出待ち・追っかけ行為、また周辺道路等への座り込み等の行為はアーティストと皆様ご自身に危険がおよぶだけでなく一般の方を巻き込んでの事故・トラブルの原因となりますので大変な迷惑が掛かりますので絶対に行わないでください。 これらの行為によっておきた事故・事件は当事者同士で解決して頂きます。 アーティスト・主催者・会場は一切責任を負いません。 また悪質な行為に及んだ場合は公演会場への入場をお断りさせて頂き、警察へ身柄を引き渡す場合もありますのでご了承ください。
会場周辺の道路は駐停車禁止となっております。 こちらで車の乗降をされますと周辺の通行の妨げとなるばかりでなく重大事故につながる可能性も高まりますので絶対におやめください。
※ クリアーバックでの持込可 (持込可能クリアーバックサイズ 縦400mm×横270mm×幅50mm)
・ビデオカメラ(その他 録画機器)
・ICレコーダー(その他 録音機器)
・水筒(マイボトル等 ※素材問わず)
・動物(ペット類全般 ※介護犬を除く)
事前に座席位置・ステージプランのお問合せを頂いてもご案内は出来かねます。 公演当日会場にてご確認ください。
紛失したチケットの再発行は一切致しません。 またチケット購入証明書等ではご入場頂けません。 チケットは公演当日まで大切に保管してください。 なおチケット購入後のキャンセル・変更は一切できません。 営利目的のチケット譲渡・転売は固く禁止されています。 オークションサイト・金券ショップなどで購入されたチケットの有効性は一切保障されていません。 会場で譲渡・転売チケットが発覚した場合はご入場をお断りさせて頂きます。 これらの行為によって発生したトラブルについて主催者は一切責任を負いません。
公演中はご指定の席/エリア以外でのご観覧は禁止となっております。 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。 係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされても主催者・出演者および会場側は一切責任を負いません。 またステージへ物を投げ込んだり、ステージに向かって駆け寄る等の行為は絶対に止めてください。 係員の指示に従って頂けない場合には退場していただくこともございます。予めご了承ください。 以上の事項が守れずに危険な状態が発生した場合は、公演を中断・もしくは中止させていただきます。 その際、チケット代の払い戻しは一切致しませんのでご了承ください。 皆様により安全にコンサートをお楽しみいただけるようご理解、ご協力頂けますようよろしくお願い致します。
A: 30cm四方以下(縦30cm×横30cm以下)のA4サイズの手持ちタイプであれば持ち込み可能ですが、旗など棒に付いた状態のものは持ち込み禁止となります。但し、頭上に掲げる等の行為は周囲のお客様、特に後方のお客様のご迷惑となりますで禁止といたします。守られない場合は没収となりますので予めご了承下さい。
A:会場内外での配布は一切禁止致します。またお預かりも出来ません。 応援ボード等はご自宅から持参し、必ずお持ち帰り下さい。
A:8/10(木)12:00、8/12(土)11:00、8/13(日)10:00からを予定しております。 チケットをお持ちでない方もご購入できます。
A:徹夜は禁止となっております。各日グッズ販売開始時間に合わせてご来場下さい。 なお購入希望のお客様が多数いらっしゃった場合には、整理させて頂く場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
To Ariana Grande concert goers in Japan:
Please be noted that Ariana Grande “Dangerous Woman” tour in Japan will be on Special Security Alert by police order. To enter the concert, everyone must be under inspection focusing on personal belongings, body-check using metal detector and body-patting.
This inspection will take longer than usual entrance procedure therefore we ask everyone to plan to arrive at the venue early with extra time.
In case of chaos occurred at the entrance and/or inspection, we will stop the entering process until safety is confirmed.
Personal belongings will NOT be allowed to bring inside the venue. Any item needs to be carried inside with you must fit into a clear/ transparent bag, sized no bigger than : height (400mm) ×width (270mm)×depth (50mm). We ask everyone to find suitable clear/transparent bag to carry to the concert.
JP500yen for one check-in (No In and Out available) – up to 45 litter bag.
There are only limited items that can be checked-in. There will be coin lockers nearby, however may not be enough for everyone, we ask to come to the venue with as less belongings as possible.
There are certain things we refuse to accept as check-ins:
*items organizers consider as dangerous and illegal
We will ask everyone to orderly-exit, according to area blocking. Until your block is announced, you may stay at your seat/area.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation and thank you in advance.
Notice for Gold Standing ticket holders:
Gold Standing ticket comes with souvenir, which can be picked up on the 2nd floor hallway on the path towards the entrance gate, where you will find the counter designated for Gold Standing ticket holders. This counter locates outside the gate, therefore you will have to pick up the items either before you go inside, or after the show when you get outside the gate (no coming back in is allowed).
No waiting around artist / camping-out
It is extremely dangerous to wait around artist’s arrival and/or departure to and from the venue. Camping-out through the night is also not allowed by the venue. We will not hesitate to report to the police when any dangerous acts discovered. Any accidents occurred by the acts prohibited by us, we will not take any responsibility whatsoever.
No car pick-up arrangement
Streets around the venue strictly prohibit parking, therefore no car pick-up shall be arranged. Anyone who disregards this public regulation will be reported to the police.
Items prohibited to be brought inside
Personal belongings will NOT be allowed to bring inside the venue, especially the followings. Any item needs to be carried inside with you must fit into a clear/ transparent bag, sized no bigger than : height (400mm) ×width (270mm)×depth (50mm).
Any items prohibited by the event organizer may not be brought inside the venue, and will be confiscated at entrance.
*any bags except for the transparent back explained above.
*filming/recording devices of any kind (doesn’t matter if it’s small)
*sticks of any kind (selfie sticks, laser pointer, flags)
*banners bigger than: height (400mm) ×width (270mm)
*cutting tools of any kind (including scissors, knife)
*hardware of any kind (including mechanic tools)
*anything that can turn into weapons (incl. but not limited to icepick, baseball bat)
*flammables (e.g. fireworks, firecrackers)
*beverages, bottles, cans, plastic bottles, flask (drinks can be purchased inside in plastic cups)
*Cooling boxes, parasols, mats, chairs, blankets, mats
*Pets (only exception is service dogs with limitations to admissions)
*any and all illegal drugs
*any articles/items that are considered dangerous and/or illegal
There will be beverage sold inside the venue, however no food will be available.
Ticket Policy
We will not provide any advance information for concert goers with specific seating location, the ticket holders will find out where your seats will be once you are at the venue.
Lost tickets will NOT be reissued. Also, ticket payment receipt is NOT a ticket, we will not allow the entrance with it.
Ticket is not refundable, exchangeable, transferrable, therefore for those who bought tickets at auction, from 3rd party, please be aware that those are NOT valid at the venue, we have rights to refuse your entrance.
General Notice
Please stay in your seat/standing area assigned during the concert. The security personnel’s order must be followed, and for those who ignore the order, and act dangerously, such as throwing things, approaching to stage leaving your assigned area, we will stop the concert and report to the police.
Q: Where can I wait to see the artist arriving/exiting venue?
A: Since thousands of people will be attending this concert, we strictly ask NOT to wait around or camp-out, in order to avoid inconvenience towards neighboring residents & facilities.
Q: What time the concert will finish?
A: The expected time to finish each day is below:
Aug 10th – around 9:00pm
Aug 12th – around 8:00pm
Aug 13th – 7:00pm
Q: Can I bring signage or banners?
A: Signage or banners no bigger than the size of 30cm x 30cm without any kinds of poles or sticks attached can be brought in, but with respect for audience behind please refrain from holding such signage or banners over the head, in the case we find anyone breaking the rule, we will confiscate the signage or banners even if it meets the aforementioned size limit.
Q: We want to express our love and passion for the artist together with people in the audience, so can we pass around cheering items to other attendees?
A: We cannot allow anyone to pass around any items outside and inside the venue. We also ask ticket holders NOT to leave anything behind, and take whatever that’s brought in to the venue, to be taken back home. We will not hold on to those items at the venue.
Q: Can I bring gifts to the artist?
A: We will collect gifts at the venue entrance, but we can take only unwrapped ones and no food or beverages. Any wrapped gifts with contents inside NOT visible, please note we may need to unwrap them upon collection.
Q: Can I bring a digital camera & take photos of the performance, or perhaps with my smartphones?
A: No filming/recording devices shall be brought into the venue. Smartphones are not prohibited, however being taken photos/filmed shall be up to the artist’s preference.
Q: What time the merch booth will open? Can I buy them without concert tickets?
A: Yes, it will be open to the people without concert tickets as well. The booth will be open at the below hours:
Aug 10th – 12:00pm
Aug 12th – 11:00am
Aug 13th – 10:00am
Q: From what time can I queue up for the merch booth?
A: We are not allowing any queing/ camping-out (not only for the merch booth, for the concert itsef too), so please plan your arrival at venue considering the above mentioned timings. If by any chance many people show up much earlier, we may ask you to clear out.
*The merch booth will be outdoor, so please consider possibilities of sudden weather changes or dehydration and pay careful attention to your condition.
Q: Will there be a cloak/ coat-check?
A: Yes, there will be and the opening time is below:
Aug 10th – 2:00pm
Aug 12th – 1:00pm
Aug 13th – 12:00pm
@ JPY 500 /pcs & check-in
(No re-check-in / To pick up & check-in agai