THE OFFSPRINGがスペシャル・ゲストにSIMPLE PLANを迎えたスペシャルなツアーが開催決定!
来日公演情報が公開!そして新作アルバムも本日10/11に発売となったばかりのTHE OFFSPRINGの最新インタビューが公開されました!
やっぱりコレ!なオフスプ節が満載の新作「SUPERCHARGED」と共にTHE OFFSPRINGが日本に帰還する!!
公演には更に!スペシャル・ゲストとしてなんとSIMPLE PLANが出演!
INFO:キョードー東海 :052-972-7466
INFO:キョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888
※未就学児(6歳未満)のご入場はお断りいたします。6歳以上はチケットが必要となります。オフスプリングは、1984年に結成されたカリフォルニア州ガーデングローブ出身のアメリカのロック・バンド。元々はManic Subsidal名義で結成され、リード・ヴォーカル兼リズム・ギタリストのデクスター・ホランド、リード・ギタリストのヌードルズ、ベーシストのトッド・モース、ドラマーのブランドン・パーツボーン、パーカッショニストのジョナ・ニモイからなる。長年のキャリアの中で、彼らは10枚のスタジオ・アルバムをリリースしている。オフスプリングは、同じカリフォルニアのバンドであるグリーン・デイやランシドと並んで、1990年代にロックに対するメインストリームの関心を復活させたとしばしば評価されている。彼らは世界中で4,000万枚以上のレコードを売り上げ、史上最も売れたロック・バンドのひとつとなっている。
2002年のダブル・プラチナに認定されたデビュー・アルバム『シンプル・プラン』から「アイ・ドゥ・エニシング」、「アディクテッド」、「パーフェクト」。 2004年のプラチナ・アルバム『スティル・ノット・ゲッティング・エニィ』から「ウェルカム・トゥ・マイ・ライフ」、「アンタイトルド」。そして 2008 年にメキシコ、ブラジル、日本、カナダでトップ 3、香港、スウェーデン、オーストリア、スイス、オーストラリア、ドイツでトップ 10、スペイン、フィンランド、フランスでトップ 20 にチャート・インしたサード・アルバム『シンプル・プラン 3』から「ホエン・アイム・ゴーン」、「ユア・ラヴ・イズ・ア・ライ」といくつもヒットを飛ばしてきた。前作『ゲット・ユア・ハート・オン!(ツアー・エディション)』では ONE OK ROCK の TAKA を迎えた“サマー・パラダイス”がヒットし、今では夏の定番ソング化している。日本には過去に何度も来日しており、2013年、2016年の PUNKSPRINGに出演。2013年4月には洋楽バンドとしては珍しく、渋谷 O-EAST 公演を皮切りに、広島、福岡を回るなど、日本での人気も高いバンドである。
Ticket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
Ticket will be avialble on these websites 'til one week before the show date
TICKET ON SALE:12/7 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:CREATIVEMAN :03-3499-6669
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase a Stand Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:12/7 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:CREATIVEMAN :03-3499-6669
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase a Stand Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:12/7 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:KYODO TOKAI :052-972-7466
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase a General Standing ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo Tokai at 052-972-7466 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:12/7 sat 10:00am〜
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase a Stand Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo information at 0570-200-888 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.