ZIP-FMでは3/18(火)に『EARTH, WIND & FIRE Day』を実施!
受付期間:1/27(月) 12:00 ~ 1/28(火) 23:59
受付期間:1/20(月) 12:00 ~ 1/26(日) 23:59
受付期間:1/9(木) 12:00 ~ 1/19(日) 23:59
受付期間:12/26(木) 12:00 ~ 1/6(月) 23:59
受付期間:12/19(木) 12:00 ~ 12/25(水) 23:59
受付期間:1/27(月) 12:00 ~ 1/28(火) 23:59
受付期間:1/20(月) 12:00 ~ 1/26(日) 23:59
受付期間:1/9(木) 12:00 ~ 1/19(日) 23:59
受付期間:12/26(木) 12:00 ~ 1/6(月) 23:59
受付期間:12/19(木) 12:00 ~ 12/25(水) 23:59
受付期間:1/27(月) 12:00 ~ 1/28(火) 23:59
受付期間:1/20(月) 12:00 ~ 1/26(日) 23:59
受付期間:1/9(木) 12:00 ~ 1/19(日) 23:59
受付期間:12/26(木) 12:00 ~ 1/6(月) 23:59
受付期間:12/19(木) 12:00 ~ 12/25(水) 23:59
INFO:キョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888
受付期間:1/27(月) 12:00 ~ 1/28(火) 23:59
受付期間:1/20(月) 12:00 ~ 1/26(日) 23:59
受付期間:1/9(木) 12:00 ~ 1/19(日) 23:59
受付期間:12/26(木) 12:00 ~ 1/6(月) 23:59
受付期間:12/19(木) 12:00 ~ 12/25(水) 23:59
INFO:キョードー東海 :052-972-7466
ファンキーで踊りださずにはいられない「Let’s Groove」から、時代を超えたダンス クラシック「September」、ハートフルなバラード「Reasons」まで、アース・ウィンド・アンド・ファイアーのヒット曲のカタログは、今も昔も、そしてこれからも、多くの人生のサウンドトラックとなっていくだろう。
盟友バーナード・エドワーズと共に「シック」を結成。アトランティック・レコード史上最大の売り上げを記録したシングル「Le Freak」や、ヒップホップ世代への繋がりとなる名曲「Good Times」など数々ヒット曲を生み出し、ディスコ・ムーブメントを牽引した。
シックの作品はもちろん、シスター・スレッジとの「We Are Family」、ダイアナ・ロスとの「I’m Coming Out、デヴィッド ボウイ (「Let’s Dance」)、マドンナ(「Like A Virgin」)、デュラン デュラン(「The Reflex」) など、様々なアーティスト作品に参加。プロデュース作品の数々は世界中5億枚以上のアルバムと1億枚以上のシングル・セールスを記録した。
近年もダフト・パンク(「Get Lucky」)、ダディー・ヤンキー(「Agua」)、ビヨンセ(「Cuff It」、「Leviis Jeans」)、LE SSERAFIM (「UNFORGIVEN」)といった革新的でトレンドを先導するアーティストたちとのコラボレーションを数多く発表し続けている。
Ticket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
TICKET ON SALE:2/1 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:CREATIVEMAN :03-3499-6669
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:2/1 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:CREATIVEMAN :03-3499-6669
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:2/1 sat 10:00am〜
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo information at 0570-200-888 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.
TICKET ON SALE:2/1 sat 10:00am〜
INFO:KYODO TOKAI :052-972-7466
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A Reserved Seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact KYODO TOKAI at 052-972-7466 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes, cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or injury.